Parents of Incoming Freshmen,
This is an exciting time in the life of our 8th graders. In three short months, they will officially be high school students! While it is exciting, it can also be confusing. Expectations from the Indiana Department of Education regarding graduation requirements are constantly changing and we have to be ready for the changes. To help ensure the success of our students, we would like to invite you to a meeting at Blackford Junior-Senior High School on Wednesday, March 6 at 5:30pm in the BJSHS gymnasium. This is an important informational meeting that you will want to attend. Topics of discussion will include:
Graduation Requirements
High School Class Scheduling Process
Graduation Pathway Requirements
BJSHS CTE Concentrator Offerings
Elective Offerings
Counselor Discussions
21st Century Scholars Program
Mr. Ridge, Mrs. Mealy, Mrs. Ruble and both of our high school counselors (Ms. Shockey and Ms. Solga) will be in attendance to provide information and answer any questions you may have. Please make plans to attend.