It's St. Patrick's Day and you know what that means in our Kindergarten classes- Leprechaun Traps! #BetterAtBlackford
about 12 hours ago, Beth Jones
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been working on Leprechaun Traps. #BetterAtBlackford
about 14 hours ago, Beth Jones
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Today is the day! Our BPS Kindergarten students have been working so hard on their leprechaun traps! We sure hope they catch one! #BetterAtBlackford
about 14 hours ago, Beth Jones
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
Our BPS Kindergarteners have been busy working on  their Leprechaun Traps!
More scenes from the BPS ice cream celebration in honor of the 2nd grade's hard work on the IREAD test! #BruinProud
3 days ago, Beth Jones
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
It's been a great day for our BPS 2nd graders! According to School Social Worker Ericka Rogers, Principal Campbell treated the 2nd graders to an ice cream treat this afternoon! 'Our 2nd graders worked so hard on doing their best while taking the IREAD test! We appreciate all of their (and their teachers, of course!) hard work!' #BetterAtBlackford
4 days ago, Beth Jones
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
2nd grade celebrates the end of a hard week of testing with ice cream!
We have some high-level design engineers at work at BPS today! Kindergarteners are working on constructing Leprechaun Traps for St. Patrick's Day! Nice job, Cubs! #BetterAtBlackford
4 days ago, Beth Jones
Kindergarteners in Ms. Ashley Godby's class work on Leprechaun Traps.
Kindergarteners in Ms. Ashley Godby's class work on Leprechaun Traps.
Kindergarteners in Ms. Ashley Godby's class work on Leprechaun Traps.
Kindergarteners in Ms. Ashley Godby's class work on Leprechaun Traps.
Kindergarteners in Ms. Ashley Godby's class work on Leprechaun Traps.
BCS is currently seeking a building secretary and an Instructional Assistant for Blackford Primary School. Interested? Please send a Letter of Interest and Resume to BPS Principal Craig Campbell at Join us! It's #BetterAtBlackford
5 days ago, Beth Jones
BPS seeks a Building Secretary and Administrative Assistant
It's been a busy day for the 3rd graders in Mrs. Rachael Shadiow's class at BPS this week! According to Mrs. Shadiow, 'My 3rd graders used their “decoding rings” to decode the practice ILEARN prompts. They wrote down important words from the prompt, used their decoding cheat sheets and rings, and were able to share what type of essay they needed to write for each prompt. They did a great job! ' Great job, Bears! Keep up the good work! #BetterAtBlackford
5 days ago, Beth Jones
Third grade students in Rachael Shadiow's class use decoding rings as part of their writing lesson
Third grade students in Rachael Shadiow's class use decoding rings as part of their writing lesson
Third grade students in Rachael Shadiow's class use decoding rings as part of their writing lesson
Thank you to everyone who came out to support the BJSHS Choir Showcase! We appreciate Mrs. Kassidy Martin and her talented students for putting on a great concert! #BruinProud
5 days ago, Beth Jones
BJSHS Choir performs a showcase of talent during their recent concert
BJSHS Choir performs a showcase of talent during their recent concert
BJSHS Choir performs a showcase of talent during their recent concert
BJSHS Choir performs a showcase of talent during their recent concert
Here's a fun idea for your kids this summer! Check out what a day in the life of Camp Invention looks like! #CampInvention #BetterAtBlackford
5 days ago, Beth Jones
A day in the life of a Camp Invention participant
Check out the interesting lesson taking place today in Mike Jones' Criminal Justice Pathway Courses at BJSHS. Students are using a MILO simulator from Ivy Tech. According to Mr. Jones, the MILO allows students to see what police deal with when responding to calls for service such as searching rooms, searching outdoors and de-escalation techniques. #BetterAtBlackford
6 days ago, Beth Jones
Students participating in the BJSHS Criminal Justice Pathway Courses use the MILO simulator.
Students participating in the BJSHS Criminal Justice Pathway Courses use the MILO simulator.
Students participating in the BJSHS Criminal Justice Pathway Courses use the MILO simulator.
Students participating in the BJSHS Criminal Justice Pathway Courses use the MILO simulator.
We love these warmish, pre-spring temperatures and our students do, too! Mrs. Kari Crouse took her 3rd grade students outside at the BIS yesterday to enjoy some reading. #BetterAtBlackford
6 days ago, Beth Jones
3rd grade students at the BIS enjoy some warm weather and a good book!
3rd grade students at the BIS enjoy some warm weather and a good book!
3rd grade students at the BIS enjoy some warm weather and a good book!
3rd grade students at the BIS enjoy some warm weather and a good book!
3rd grade students at the BIS enjoy some warm weather and a good book!
There are a number of important birthdays in March and our 4th graders at the BIS celebrated Mario's yesterday! Students in Mrs. Katie Barnes' class proudly displayed their caps and moustaches with pride! (They didn't forget Luigi either!) #BetterAtBlackford
7 days ago, Beth Jones
Students in Mrs. Katie Barnes 4th grade class at BIS had fun yesterday celebrating Marion's March 10 birthday!
4th grade students at BIS celebrated Mario's birthday!
With the weather on the rainy/snowy/cloudy-side today, students in Mrs. Liz Holdcroft's class at BPS enjoy some indoor recess time . Look at those sweet smiles! Have a great weekend, Bruins!
11 days ago, Beth Jones
Smiling students in Mrs. Liz Holdcroft's class at BPS
Attention, attention! If you, or someone you know, have children ready to enter preschool for the 2025-2026 school year, this is a reminder that there will be a Parent Meeting for the Blackford Preschool Academy on Monday, March 10, 2025 at 5 p.m. at BPS. Please share and help us get the word out!
11 days ago, Beth Jones
Preschool Parent Meeting - March 10, 2025
A message from Mrs. Monica Myers, BJSHS CTE teacher and her students: (from left) juniors Zoey Abbott, Grace Johnson, and senior Carter Clouse. We couldn't let the opportunity pass to celebrate Read Across America Week in Mrs. Myers CTE class. Oh the standards and lessons you can teach just by reading about a Sneetch on a beach! This class is so fun, so wacky, so wild! These BHS students are future teachers of a fabulous child! #BetterAtBlackford
11 days ago, Beth Jones
BJSHS CTE students have fun with Dr. Seuss Week
Our Unified Bruin bowlers were in action last night in sectional competition in Fort Wayne. Way to go, Bruins! We are proud of you! According to Mrs. Wallace, 'We will find out if we scored high enough to go to State on Monday. The students played well. The unique thing is the first 5 games count for the team score. Game 6 is silly - roll the ball backwards, bowl on one foot, lay on your stomach and roll the ball.' So, we can safely say a good time was had by all! Thank you to the coaches and everyone who supports our Blackford United Bowlers! #BetterAtBlackford #1 - Family members of the bowlers who came to cheer #2- Blackford United Coaches - Linda Wallace, Tyler McDonald, and Susan Helms #3 - Blackford United Bowlers #4 - BJSHS Blackford United Alumni (from left) Nick Withers, Conner Prosser, and Noah Withers
11 days ago, Beth Jones
Family and friends of the Blackford United Bowling Team who have come to cheer them on!
Your BJSHS Blackford United  Bowling Team!
Blackford United Bowling Coaches: Linda Wallace, Susan Helms, and Tyler McDonald
BJSHS Alumni cheering on the Bruins included (from left) Nick Withers, Conner Prosser, and Noah Withers
There were some very special guests at BPS today! Thank you to Ultimate Canine for bringing your pups in to visit. You made the day for our students! #BetterAtBlackford
11 days ago, Beth Jones
Dogs were the very special guests at BPS!
Dogs were the very special guests at BPS!
Dogs were the very special guests at BPS!
Dogs were the very special guests at BPS!
Dogs were the very special guests at BPS!
Let's hear it for BJSHS 8th grader McKinley Brooks! She is quite the salesman! She sold enough candy bars to earn a 5 lb. chocolate bar, jelly beans and $5. The candy bar sale was part of the fundraiser for the Washington DC trip in May. Way to go, McKinley! #Bruinproud
12 days ago, Beth Jones
McKinley Brooks smiles with her 5 lb. chocolate bar
Let's join Jessica Sharp and Tracey Witt in wishing our Blackford United Bowling Team good luck as they begin Sectionals tonight in Fort Wayne! Let's go, Bruins! #BlackfordUnited #BetterAtBlackford
12 days ago, Beth Jones
Transportation staff join students in excitement about Blackford United Sectionals!