(1 of 2) If you purchased tickets for prom you MUST pick your zone by Thursday at 3pm. There are 4 zones and 35 students are allowed in each zone. You MUST email your school counselor which zone # you would like to sit in for prom.
SENIORS: Be sure to check out the Senior Class Information & Calendar on the school website or pick one up in the Guidance Office. There's a lot of IMPORTANT information you'll need to know before the big day!! https://5il.co/rvla
Congratulations to the 2021 Jennerjahn Most Improved Students!
This year's recipients were selected for their outstanding accomplishments throughout the school year.
Northside - Charlotte Trant, 2nd grade
Blackford Intermediate - Alton Garrett, 3rd grade; Peyton Horsley, 4th grade; Gracie Townsend-Strait, 5th grade; and AriannaBrown-Arreola, 6th grade.
Montpelier Elementary - Ethan McCammon, 2nd grade; Izabelle Speece, 3rd grade; Connor Garlow, 4th grade; Carson Stitnicky, 5th grade; and Kyla Sills, 6th grade.
BJSHS - Davien Fields, 7th grade; and Derek Kleefisch, 8th grade.
Way to go, Bruins!
A big thank you to Mrs. Ruth Jennerjahn for sponsoring the annual awards for our Most Improved Students!
We love good news!
Mrs. Noelle Lehman, choir director at BJSHS, shared some recent accomplishments made by the junior high and senior choirs.
1. The Junior High Choir won a Gold medal for ISSMA Organization Festival this year in Group 3. They sang "Play for Me a Simple Melody" by Irving Berlin and "Tama Tu" by Sally Albright.
2. The High School Jazz Choir won a Silver medal for ISSMA Jazz Festival this year in Group 3. They sang "Puttin' on the Ritz" by Irving Berlin, "A Foggy Day" and Summertime by George Gershwin. Shelby Groves won outstanding soloist for this competition.
3. Beginning Choir won a silver medal for Solo and Ensemble this year in Group 3 large ensemble. They sang “J’entends Le Moulin” a French-Canadian Folk Song.
Way to go, Bruins! We are proud of you!
Let's be clear on the times of the production 👇 We don't want anyone to miss the show! (Please share!)
The BJSHS Spring Play, "She Kills Monsters" will take place Saturday, May 1 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 2 at 3 p.m. in the small theater. Come out and support our outstanding Bruin drama students led by directors Noelle Lehman and Amanda Wolfe.
Junior High Spring Sports Pictures will be taken after school on Monday, May 3rd.
Prom guest request forma are available in the front office and must be returned by Monday, May 3rd.
Varsity Swim Awards Ceremony will be held on Sunday, May 2nd at 1:30 pm, in the BJSHS Cafeteria.
HEY SENIORS!! Be sure to check out the Senior Class Information & Calendar here https://5il.co/rvla or pick one up in the Guidance Office. There's a lot of IMPORTANT information you'll need to know before the big day!!
(3/3)Please keep in mind graduation will be live streamed to help reduce the number of tickets needed. Contact Mr. Shimer before noon on 5/17 if you need more than your 10 allotted tickets. Thank you for your understanding & patience with the challenges due to the Pandemic.
(2/3) When we receive notice a family won't use all 10 they are allotted we will distribute those to families with a larger need. This will also require families that need more than 10 tickets to make a request by email to Mr. Shimer at sshimer@blackfordschools.org.
(1/3)We have been given the go-ahead to allow more people at the Graduation. We still have a limit due to the county being recognized in the state system as yellow. We are still allowing 10 tickets per student but requesting communication from families not using all 10 tickets.
BJSHS students learned more about their health during the Teen Health Fair that took place yesterday morning at the school. Students were able to visit booths at the fair that addressed important topics such as oral health, nutrition, substance abuse education, impaired driving obstacle course, sports injury prevention, Stop the Bleed education, teen health, and careers in medicine. They were even able to take their blood pressure and learn about eye exams. "A big thank you goes out to all of our presenters," said event organizer and BJSHS teacher Yvette Rouch, who coordinated the fair along with her Anatomy and Health Careers classes. "We appreciate everyone's help in making our first fair a success!"
BJSHS students learned more about their health today during the Teen Health Fair that took place this morning at the school.
Students were able to visit booths at the fair that addressed important topics such as oral health, nutrition, substance abuse education, impaired driving obstacle course, sports injury prevention, Stop the Bleed education, teen health, and careers in medicine. They were even able to take their blood pressure and learn about eye exams.
"A big thank you goes out to all of our presenters," said event organizer and BJSHS teacher Yvette Rouch, who coordinated the fair along with her Anatomy and Health Careers classes. "We appreciate everyone's help in making our first fair a success!"
Varsity Swim Awards Ceremony will be held on Sunday, May 2nd at 1:30 pm, in the BJSHS Cafeteria.
The Spring play will be presented on Sat., May 1st & Sun., May 2nd at 2 pm and 7 pm, in the BJSHS Theatre.
The Most Improved Elementary and Junior High Students Banquet will be held on Wednesday, April 28th at 6:30 pm in the BJSHS Cafeteria. Desserts will be available to those attending the banquet.
Congratulations to our 2021 Jennerjahn Most Influential Educators and BJSHS Top Seniors! We are proud of you!
Check out all the recipients! 👇