BCS staff take making Blackford better seriously by participating in a variety of professional development opportunities.
Last week, BCS Literacy Coach Monica Myers conducted a presentation to work with staff that included: Amanda Ehrhart, pre-Kindergarten teacher, Katie Barnes and Jessica Barker, kindergarten teachers; Rachel Shadiow, first grade, and fellow Literacy Coach Cissy Clock
The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) has just released Indiana’s Priorities for Early Literacy Plan that will be implemented this coming 2022-2023 school year. Mrs. Myers is one of many educators across the state who participated in drafting the framework to provide additional support for Indiana schools as they teach students to read. Known as Indiana’s Priorities for Early Literacy, the framework focuses on intentional efforts to ensure students receive foundational reading skills for long-term success. This includes supporting schools in implementing evidence-based literacy practices based on the Science of Reading.
BJHS School Day SAT Notice:
This notice has information for parents & guardians about BJSHS’s state SAT test day plan for Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
Please see below for specific information concerning your child’s grade level.
Parents & Guardians of Grade 11 - Juniors
The juniors will be taking the state required SAT test on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. The Indiana Department of Education made the switch to the SAT this year to replace the ISTEP+. College Board is calling this “School Day SAT”. This test can be used to meet the requirement for the ‘post-secondary readiness’ component for their graduation requirement if they meet the minimum score defined by the state board of education.
The juniors will be testing during the morning then they will have time to work on any missing assignments and a reduced number of eLearning assignments in the afternoon. We have scheduled time at the end of the day to take a brain break from the day’s testing in the Sutton Center.
It is extremely important that juniors are in attendance and on time for test day, and have their school Chromebooks at school fully charged for their testing sessions.
Parents & Guardians of Grades 9, 10, & 12
Wednesday, March 2 will be an eLearning day for students in grades 9, 10, and 12, and they will NOT be at school that day. Their eLearning assignments will be posted by 9:00 AM. Their teachers will be available throughout the day by email, however, some of their teachers may be involved in testing duties so their responses may be delayed.
High School eLearning assignments will be due on Monday, March 7, 2022 @11:59 PM for all high school grade levels.
Grades 7 & 8 will attend school as regularly scheduled Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
Beginning Monday, Feb 28, BCS will no longer require masks or face coverings to be worn on school buses. This change is in response to the latest guidance issued by the CDC.
Blackford Youth Baseball Signups begin tomorrow, February 26.
Blackford Youth Softball Announces Sign-ups
BCS will close buildings and move to ELearning Friday February 25th, 2022.
Be safe, Bruins!
Blackford County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay Friday 2/25/22.
There's no better grade to celebrate 2-22-22 than 2nd grade!
Check out the fun times the 2nd graders at Northside were having yesterday! According to 2nd grade teacher Rhonda Thurman, activities included drawing animals with the number 2, pattern block puzzles creating 2-22 and double images, a partner memory matching game, a reading of the book Tuesday, and brain break activities. The second grade P.E. class played partner tag. Students came dressed as twins, while others wore tutus. We finished the day with snacks of two. There were KitKat candy bars that came in 2, Little Debbie’s packaged in 2, double stuffed Oreos, and cookies packaged in 2.
What a fun 2-22-22!
You know them and you love them... It's our colorful front office crew at Montpelier Elementary celebrating Twosday! Looking good, ladies!
You know them and you love them... It's our colorful front office crew at Montpelier Elementary celebrating Twosday!
Looking good, ladies!
How about a big round of applause for BJSHS freshman Cate Wolfe, who brought home a gold medal at this past weekend's State Solo and Ensemble Contest.
Great job, Cate! 👏
Hey Bruins!
The Student Council Winter Block Party that was scheduled for tonight at BJSHS has been canceled. Students who purchased tickets for the event will receive a refund next week.
BCS will close buildings and switch to ELearning due to road conditions Friday, February 18th 2022.
Due to road conditions, BCS will operate on a 2 hour delay Friday, February 18th 2022.
The students sure are busy in Mrs. Cristi Aulbach's 2nd grade class at Northside!
"We have been learning about 2D & 3D shapes in math. We played a game similar to Headbands where they had to try to guess their mystery shape based on clues from their partner. They had a such a fun time while they used their knowledge they have gained in class!" - Mrs. Aulbach
Blackford County Schools seeks an Athletic Director for the 2022-2023 school year. Check out the latest job postings and join us!
Northside teachers worked together while students were out today during professional development. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of our staff as they work to improve the outcomes of our students!
Even though students were out today, lessons continued for our BCS teachers, who gathered for a professional development presentation from Asst. Supt. David Parker.
We appreciate our compassionate educators dedicated to improving outcomes for all of our students!
BJSHS had 4 students go to Vocal Solo and Ensemble this past weekend (6 were registered, but due to health/weather were unable to make it). Our Bruins took home 3 Golds and 1 Silver ranking.
Freshman Cate Wolfe performed "The Lass from the Low Country" by Duke. She received a gold in Group 1 and will be competing in the State Solo and Ensemble contests this Saturday at Perry Meridian High School.
Way to go, Cate!
Joining Cate at contests were: 7th grader Kayla Cavanaugh, who received a silver medal in Group 3 for her performance of "Homeward Bound," 7th grader Ashlynn Thomas, who received a gold in Group 3 for her performance of "Reflection," and 7th grader Kami Fields performing "Part of Your World."
We are proud of all of our outstanding singers!
(From left Wolfe, Cavanaugh, lower left Thomas, and Fields)
Don't forget! Blackford County Schools will not be in session on Monday, February 14 due to staff professional development. No school for students!
(Oh, and another don't forget- February 14 is also Valentine's Day! ❤️)