Blackford County Schools will be transitioning to our Summer Food Service Program beginning the week of May 26th. However, delivery and lunch pickup will still be available on Monday, May 18th to finish out the current school year. The Summer Food Service Program will be curbside pick-up only! Due to construction projects currently underway lunch pickup will ONLY be available to Blackford Jr.-Sr. High School and Montpelier Elementary School. If you would like to continue receiving lunches through the month of June, please complete the order form below.
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Sack lunch
Foundations for the new bleachers at the football stadium are complete. Concrete work continues with stadium construction beginning at the end of the month. #BCS
almost 5 years ago, Chad Yencer
Bleacher foundation
We’re thrilled to announce our new app! It’s everything Blackford County Schools, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: iPhone:
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Congratulations, Northside 4th grader Cayden Moreland - 2020 Jennerjahn Most Improved Student
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Photo and info about Cayden Moreland
Congratulations, Northside 3rd grader Carter Bryant- 2020 Jennerjahn Most Improved Student
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Photo and info about Carter Bryant
Congratulations, Mia Martin - 2020 Jennerjahn Most Improved Student
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Photo and information of Mia Martin
What makes Blackford County Schools so special?
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
It looks like Mrs. Kelli Ruble and the BJSHS Birthday Crew have been at it this afternoon... spreading joy across the county! Happy Birthday, Bruins!🎂🥰🎈 #BCSProud
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Female student with a birthday card
Male student with a birthday card
Female student standing with a birthday card
Various teachers social distancing in a yard
You're almost there, Bruins!
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Graduation Save the Date
Let's show our support for the Class of 2020 and come out BruinStrong! Join us for the BJSHS Senior Celebration Parade! (Please share far and wide!) #BruinPride #ClassOf2020
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Flyer announcing Class of 2020 Celebration Parade
Last, but certainly not least... Southside Elementary's own Jeannie Cain - 2020 Henderson Educator of the Year!
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Jeannie Cain - Henderson Award winner
Superintendent Yencer is out and about this morning to report, "The roofing project at Northside is underway. By mid summer both Northside and Blackford Intermediate will have new roofs!" #BCSProud
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Construction roof work on Northside and Blackford Intermediate School
roof work underway at Northside School
Montpelier teachers and staff meet every Wednesday via Zoom for professional development. This week the theme was music. Teachers and staff wore concert T-shirt's or played a musical instrument. They compiled a Covid Playlist to describe how they feel about teaching during the Pandemic. Songs included "You Can't Touch This," "Dont Stand So Close To Me," "Help," "Lean on Me," and "Into the Unknown" to name a few. The topic was "What's new for fall NWEA." We are so ready to see our Kodiaks this fall! We are in this together Blackford! #KodiakPride
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Montpelier teachers in a Zoom meeting
We’re thrilled to announce our new app! It’s everything Blackford County Schools, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: iPhone:
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
It's everything Blackford County Schools in your pocket.
What makes Blackford County Schools so special? That's easy! #ItsOurTeachers #TeacherAppreciationWeek #ThankATeacher
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
What's happening around the district? Mr. Yencer reports, "Band room project at BJSHS is moving along nicely. For those wondering, we will not be bringing back the blue carpet on the walls. Lighting, flooring and new instruments cabinets coming soon!" #BCSProud
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Band room under construction
Another view of BJSHS bandroom construction
Ladder, scaffold in BJSHS bandroom
When it comes to the daily health and wellbeing of our students, no one does it with more ❤️ than the healthcare professionals at Blackford County Schools! How about a big round of applause for: Amy Sargent, R.N. - BJSHS/Corporation Nurse Brandy Clamme, C.M.A. - Southside Elementary Kimberly Sizemore, C.M.A. - Montpelier Elementary Jessica Irwin, C.M.A. - Northside Elementary Thank you for all you do! #SchoolNursesDay2020 #BruinPride
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
School Nurse TLC Expert
Congratulations, Jeremy Miller, 2020 Henderson Educator of the Year!
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Jeremy Miller photo
Check out the colorful art projects underway during Blended Learning lessons in Sydney Walter's BJSHS art class. Mrs. Walter challenged her students to complete the Found Object Color Wheel. According to Mrs. Walter, "Students were supposed to find 12 objects from around their homes, each object a different color of the color wheel, and arrange the objects in order." Nice (colorful) work, Bruins! #BruinPride Students submissions include: Patience Campbell Samantha Moistner Persephone Miral Sarah Coons Savanna Morris Aaron Blackwood Lexus Higginbotham Macey Abbott
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones
Variety of items shaped into a circle by color
Crayons in sha
Household items arranged in circle by color
Household items arranged in a circle by color
What makes Blackford County Schools so special? That's easy! #ItsOurTeachers #TeacherAppreciationWeek #ThankATeacher
almost 5 years ago, Beth Jones