This message was emailed to all of the students at BJSHS by Mr. Roe. There is some good information on the first week of school for them.
Greetings Bruins,
I am Mr. Roe, the new principal for Blackford Jr-Sr HS. I am replacing Mr. Shimer this year after he left to be the new principal of Anderson HS. Before coming to BJSHS, I was at Warsaw Community HS for 12 years, and now I am very excited to be with you at BJSHS. I am looking forward to meeting you next week.
Mrs. Ruble and Mrs. Mealy are returning this year, and I have really enjoyed getting to know and work with them these last few weeks.
I am sending this message to you to give you and your family some quick information on the start of this school year.
The staff has been working hard to get ready for your return to school next week. Your first student day will be on:
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Let’s work together to make this a great school year for everyone!
School doors open at 7:45 AM (this is different from past years)
Grades 7-8 stay in the Sutton Center (unless eating breakfast)
Grades 9-12 stay in the main and cafeteria halls
Dismiss to classrooms at 8:05 AM
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up
Drop Off - Door 17 (Sutton Center)
Doors open at 7:45 AM
All students are dismissed at 3:05 PM
No student or parent cars in the front of the building while buses are present
This information is also available on the school website with a map
We are planning to return to school in the traditional manner before COVID restrictions. This may change as we get closer to the start of school.
Masks - at this time they will not be required, but students and staff may wear them if they feel more comfortable doing so.
Masks are still REQUIRED on school buses. Please bring a mask with you if you ride the bus.
The guidelines for COVID may change if we see new cases increase or get a directive from our central office to make changes. Please be ready to be flexible.
First Day(s)
Day 1 (Wed) - attend all of your classes based on the current 2021 Bell Schedule (see below).
Day 2 (Thur) - Class Meetings
Class Meetings in the cafeteria
Expectations & Mr. Roe Introduction
Officer Brown
1st 15-20 minutes of each class period
Period 1 - 7th grade
Period 2 - 8th grade
Period 3 - 12th grade
Period 4 - 11th grade
Period 6 - 10th grade
Period 7 - 9th grade
Day 3+ (Fri) - normal scheduled day
You are permitted to go to your locker during the day
You may carry a backpack during the day if it is CLEAR/Transparent
Bell Schedule
The 2021 Bell Schedule is posted below in small type or you can view on the school website
Cafeteria & Food Services
All students will receive free breakfast and lunch again this year.
Lunchroom Expectations
8 students per table maximum - do not move chairs
Get your food and stay at your table
Use low voices
Staff members will bring trash cans around to the tables
Stay seated until your lunch shift is dismissed
Student Drivers
Park in the west lot only - enter through door 4
Parking tags are $5
Immediately enter the school once you park (no hanging out in the parking lot)
Seniors Only - Custom Painting your Parking Spot
More details will be sent out to the seniors about this later
You are not permitted to return to your vehicle during the day unless you are leaving or you have permission from the office staff to go to your vehicle.
School Calendar/Events
We are going to make this a ‘go to’ spot for building events
School Picture Day
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Dress Code
Remember that the manner in which you dress for school may be different than in public
Following dress code is how you can show respect to your school, your peers and your teachers
The full dress code is on page 15 of the 2021-22 Student Agenda Handbook
Here are some issues that have been an issue in the past:
Sagging pants
Shirts that show the midriff or has straps that are too thin
Pants with holes, skirts/dresses, or shorts that are less than mid-thigh/finger-tip in length
The BJSHS Website has a quick guide for the dress code for quick reference
BJSHS Bell Schedule
7:45am Doors Open
8:05am Hall Access
8:13am Warning Bell
8:15–9:00 1st Period
9:00-9:04 Passing
9:04–9:49 2nd Period
9:49-9:53 Passing
9:53–10:38 3rd Period
10:38-10:42 Passing
10:42–11:27 4th Period
11:27-11:31 Passing
HS: Lunch 11:27– 11:57, Passing 11:57 – 12:01, 5th period 12:01-12:57
Jr. High: PEAK 11:31 – 11:57, Lunch 11:57-12:27, Passing 12:27-12:31, 5th period 12:31-1:26
HS: 5th period 11:31 – 12:27, Lunch 12:27 -12:57
12:57–1:01 Passing
1:01-1:26 Grades 9-12 Peak (25 minutes)
1:26-1:30 Passing
1:30-2:15 6th Period
2:15–2:19 Passing
2:19–3:05 7th Period
All students at BJSHS released at 3:05pm