BJSHS will be having iLearn testing for the 7th and 8th grade students beginning Tuesday, May 3.
On Thursday May 5, the Biology iLearn test will also be given to HS students enrolled in the Biology I course.
High school students who are NOT in Biology I this year will have an eLearning day on Thursday, May 5.
All 7th grade, 8th grade, and Biology students will be in the building for testing on Thursday May 5. There will be NO eLearning day for 7th and 8th grade students next week.
Students need to have their chrome books charged and ready to go every morning for testing.
If you have questions regarding 7th grade, 8th grade, or Biology testing, please contact Mrs. Ruble or Mr. Hill.
If you have questions regarding the high school eLearning day, please contact Mrs. Mealy or Mr. Roe.