H.S. archery practice has been canceled today!!
Seniors: If you plan to attend the upcoming Lock-In, permission forms MUST be turned in by next Tuesday (11/21).
![Senior High Lock-In Icon](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/blackford_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/6136014/large_F42A0EE6-7389-4DF1-A08C-8C02DE740E91.jpg)
If you want your picture retaken or were absent on the previous picture day, retakes will be tomorrow morning (11/16). Everyone must have their picture taken for school IDs. Those wanting to have their picture retaken must turn in their packet to the front office beforehand.
![Picture Retake Day Image](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/blackford_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/6102180/large_images.jpg)
Seniors: Be sure to check your email for information about senior quotes. Contact Mrs. Newlin if you have questions.
Remember: JH PTO fundraiser pies will be distributed on Thursday, November 16th, from 2-8 p.m.
Picture retakes will be on Thursday, Nov. 16th!!
(2 of 2) Dollar bills placed in other class buckets will subtract points from their total. The class with the most points wins an ice cream/sundae party on Nov. 28th during lunch.
(1 of 2) Student Council sponsored class competition canned food/change war drive starting on Nov. 9th. Bring canned food (worth 5 pts.) and change to English classes for high school and social studies classes for jr. high. Money can be collected during lunch periods.
Prepare for the Holidays and pre-order your poinsettia from the Blackford Ag Department by Nov. 10th.
![Pre-Order Poinsettias Flyer](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/blackford_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/5978733/large_ZaXixyMjDLXmRo_TwuOKxg.png)
![Poinsettas Colors/Sizes Flyer](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/blackford_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/5978769/large_J-bfZWAMfLGzpUbXPv759A.png)
Sadie Dance for grades 9-12 will be on Saturday, Nov. 11, from 7 to 9 p.m. Tickets for the dance are $7.00 and will be sold during high school lunch periods on Wednesday, Nov. 8.
Come see the BHS Drama Department perform the play "Deadline" this week!
![Deadline Flyer](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/blackford_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/5975435/large_dDym7pt7BFmra92mx1AK7w.jpeg)
The Youth for Christ/Campus Life is having a dodgeball game on Thursday, Nov. 9th, from 7 to 9 p.m.
(2 of 2) this spring, we need you & a parent to attend. We will share important info about the upcoming season. We are looking for 3-4 more h.s. players for a JV team. Please join the '24 Baseball Bruins! For more info, contact Coach Uggen at tuggen@blackfordschools.org.
(1 of 2) Attention all potential baseball players: there is an important player/parent packet order meeting taking place on Wednesday, November 8th, at 6:15 p.m. in the cafeteria. If you are playing, or even considering playing, junior high or high school baseball
![Baseball field](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/blackford_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/5975381/large_XvvHxQ7WvqiSnYz5cI-cRw.jpeg)
If you want to attend, RSVP to Major Tim Cummins at (765) 348-7560, extension 2140, or via email at tcummins@blackfordschools.org. We look forward to honoring your service to our Nation!
The Blackford JR SR High School JROTC Program will host a Veterans Day Ceremony on November 10, 2023. Check-in and breakfast will be from 7-8:00 a.m. The ceremony will begin at 8:15 in our main gym. You will enter the building through door 17 (Sutton Center). (1 of 2)
![Thank You Veterans](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/blackford_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/5951363/large_ls109Htj_8I1EtudkEUVnA.jpeg)
Spanish Club will meet after school today until 4 p.m. in room 204.
Don't forget sophomores and freshmen: If you played a fall sport and want to get a PE waiver, the forms must be turned in by Friday, Nov. 3rd. Stop by the Counseling Office if you did not pick up the form.
Juniors and Seniors interested in meeting with a college representative from Indiana Wesleyan University during PEAK TOMORROW (11/2) should sign up at the Guidance Office.
(2 of 2) we need you & a parent to attend as we will share important info about the upcoming season. We are looking for 3-4 more h.s. players for a JV team. You will get playing time, so join the '24 Baseball Bruins! Contact Coach Uggen at tuggen@blackfordschools.org.
(1 of 2) Attention all potential baseball players: there is an important player/parent packet order meeting taking place on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, at 6:15 p.m. in the cafeteria. If you are playing, or even considering playing, junior high or high school baseball this spring,