H.S. archery practice has been canceled today!!
about 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Seniors: If you plan to attend the upcoming Lock-In, permission forms MUST be turned in by next Tuesday (11/21).
about 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Senior High Lock-In Icon
If you want your picture retaken or were absent on the previous picture day, retakes will be tomorrow morning (11/16). Everyone must have their picture taken for school IDs. Those wanting to have their picture retaken must turn in their packet to the front office beforehand.
about 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Picture Retake Day Image
Seniors: Be sure to check your email for information about senior quotes. Contact Mrs. Newlin if you have questions.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Remember: JH PTO fundraiser pies will be distributed on Thursday, November 16th, from 2-8 p.m. Picture retakes will be on Thursday, Nov. 16th!!
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
(2 of 2) Dollar bills placed in other class buckets will subtract points from their total. The class with the most points wins an ice cream/sundae party on Nov. 28th during lunch.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
(1 of 2) Student Council sponsored class competition canned food/change war drive starting on Nov. 9th. Bring canned food (worth 5 pts.) and change to English classes for high school and social studies classes for jr. high. Money can be collected during lunch periods.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Prepare for the Holidays and pre-order your poinsettia from the Blackford Ag Department by Nov. 10th.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Pre-Order Poinsettias Flyer
Poinsettas Colors/Sizes Flyer
Sadie Dance for grades 9-12 will be on Saturday, Nov. 11, from 7 to 9 p.m. Tickets for the dance are $7.00 and will be sold during high school lunch periods on Wednesday, Nov. 8.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Come see the BHS Drama Department perform the play "Deadline" this week!
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Deadline Flyer
The Youth for Christ/Campus Life is having a dodgeball game on Thursday, Nov. 9th, from 7 to 9 p.m.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
(2 of 2) this spring, we need you & a parent to attend. We will share important info about the upcoming season. We are looking for 3-4 more h.s. players for a JV team. Please join the '24 Baseball Bruins! For more info, contact Coach Uggen at tuggen@blackfordschools.org.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
(1 of 2) Attention all potential baseball players: there is an important player/parent packet order meeting taking place on Wednesday, November 8th, at 6:15 p.m. in the cafeteria. If you are playing, or even considering playing, junior high or high school baseball
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Baseball field
If you want to attend, RSVP to Major Tim Cummins at (765) 348-7560, extension 2140, or via email at tcummins@blackfordschools.org. We look forward to honoring your service to our Nation!
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
The Blackford JR SR High School JROTC Program will host a Veterans Day Ceremony on November 10, 2023. Check-in and breakfast will be from 7-8:00 a.m. The ceremony will begin at 8:15 in our main gym. You will enter the building through door 17 (Sutton Center). (1 of 2)
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Thank You Veterans
Spanish Club will meet after school today until 4 p.m. in room 204.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Don't forget sophomores and freshmen: If you played a fall sport and want to get a PE waiver, the forms must be turned in by Friday, Nov. 3rd. Stop by the Counseling Office if you did not pick up the form.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
Juniors and Seniors interested in meeting with a college representative from Indiana Wesleyan University during PEAK TOMORROW (11/2) should sign up at the Guidance Office.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
(2 of 2) we need you & a parent to attend as we will share important info about the upcoming season. We are looking for 3-4 more h.s. players for a JV team. You will get playing time, so join the '24 Baseball Bruins! Contact Coach Uggen at tuggen@blackfordschools.org.
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett
(1 of 2) Attention all potential baseball players: there is an important player/parent packet order meeting taking place on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, at 6:15 p.m. in the cafeteria. If you are playing, or even considering playing, junior high or high school baseball this spring,
over 1 year ago, April Bartlett