What a gorgeous fall day to celebrate the most improved score in Exact Path at BJSHS! Congratulations to Mrs. Shelby Capper's 7th grade 5th period Language Arts class for all your hard work! Enjoy your walk, Bruins!
over 4 years ago, Beth Jones
Group of masked 7th grade boys and girls
We regret to inform you that due to a loss of available players on Monday night that the JV Football game scheduled for Monday 10-12-2020 has been cancelled. JH Football will still play as scheduled. Start time is 5:00pm.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
Fans, We wanted to share with you that on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Grant County changed it's COVID status from Yellow to Orange. What this means is that many venues may be changing their mask policies. Be prepared as we travel to other venues (and here at home too if situations warrant) to find more stringent mask policies. Eastbrook has already updated their policy and it states, in regards to spectators that, everyone will wear a mask at all times. Families may sit together but there needs to be 6 feet between you and anyone not living in your home. Continuing to follow mask policies and guidelines will ensure that fans get to continue to come to events and support the athletes here and at other venues as well. Thank you for your cooperation
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
Cross Country Sectionals will be ran this Saturday 10-10-2020 at IWU. Girls will run at 10:30AM and boys will run at 11:30AM. Spectators: Spectators park for free at the IWU lot or pay the $5 with the property across the street from the course. Entry Fee… $5.00 per person.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
Good news! Health Heroes will be at each of our schools on Thursday, Oct. 22, to offer free flu vaccines to all students and staff. The student consent form will need to be thoroughly completed and returned to school by Oct. 20. Contact your student's school for more info.
over 4 years ago, Beth Jones
Stick-figure nurse
Due to the JH FB being played at Mississinewa Monday 10-12-20 at 5:00PM the JV start time has been moved to approximately 6:15PM.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
The JH Football scheduled for 10-13-2020 at Mississinewa has been moved to Monday 10-12-2020 @ 5:00 PM. This game will be played prior to the JV Football game also at Mississinewa.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
NO spectators will be admitted to the VB invitational @ Maconaquah on Saturday 10-10-2020
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
Great weather to celebrate 7th/8th grade positive behavior today for the first quarter!
over 4 years ago, Kelli Ruble
Wow! Hard to believe Fall Break is almost here! (Oct. 12-16.) Thanks to the kind generosity of the Blackford County Community Foundation, Community and Family Services, Grace United Methodist Church, Purdue Extension Blackford County, and the Good Seed Initiative, the Pit Stop in Hartford City will provide free lunches to families in need during Fall Break. If this is your family, please stop by the Pit-Stop to pick up lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students are encouraged to be present when picking up the lunches.
over 4 years ago, Beth Jones
Lunch bag, apple, and milk
A friendly reminder from Assistant Superintendent Greg Roach regarding transportation: As we start the last week of our first grading period, I want to thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us have a great start to our school year. I want to remind you that due to COVID-19 safety concerns and the possible need to contact trace, we are unable to approve one-time, non-permanent bus changes for students. Students need to ride their assigned bus or have an alternate option for transportation. I know this can create hardships for parents at times, but we need to do all that we can to keep our students safe and this is a measure that is necessary. Thank you in advance for your help in our efforts to keep the students of BCS safe.
over 4 years ago, Beth Jones
Image of a school bus
Football ticket reminder: Tickets for this Fridays game at Mississinewa AND the home game vs. Oak Hill on 10-16-2020 can be bought this week in the Athletic Office. No tickets will be sold at the gate 10-9-2020 No tickets will be sold next week until at the gate on 10-16-2020
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
On Monday we will begin selling tickets for the Football game at Mississinewa on 10-9-2020 and ALSO we will be selling ticket for the home game with Oak Hill on 10-16-2020. The following schedule will be followed. Monday - Players and parents only Tuesday- Players, parents, staff and students Wednesday and Thursday is open to the public. On 10-16-2020 any remaining tickets for the game will be sold at the gate on a first come first serve basis.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
Tickets for next week's Boys Soccer Sectional can be found online by going to the following: 1. easbrookathletics.com 2. Click on the "More" tab 3. Under Panther HQ click on Eastbrook Athletic Tickets 4. Click on your game More information on blackfordathletic.com
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
All Fall Sports Pictures will be taken Monday, October 5, 2020. These will start at 3:30pm. Picture packets will be sent home tomorrow.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
Eastbrook fan guidelines for Friday 10-2-2020: Eastbrook High School welcomes Blackford fans to Jeff Adamson Stadium for this Friday’s contest at 7:00pm between the Panthers and Bruins. Due to Covid-19, we ask that all those attending the contest please adhere to the following: Fan Information Masks are required by all fans during their time at any event Anyone coming to events should self-screen prior to arrival Please refrain from attending this event if you have recently been exposed to someone with Covid-19. Anyone exhibiting the following Covid-19 symptoms should stay home A fever of 100.4 F or greater Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Diarrhea Nausea or Vomiting Chills Repeated shaking with chills Muscle pain and Fatigue Headache Sore Throat New loss of taste or smell Upon arrival, Bruin fans will enter through the West Gate please adhere to social distancing while waiting in line Bleacher seating is limited to every other row, please set in the RED areas only Family units may sit together, but individuals and separate family units should sit at least six feet apart You may stand along the fence area as long as you are practicing social distancing (bag or lawn chairs will be welcomed along fence areas) Concessions will be available on the visitor’s side of the field No outside food or drink should be brought to events. Public restrooms will be available on the visitors side Upon completion of the contest, fans must leave facility. We ask for no congregating or waiting on players. The Eastbrook Athletic Department thanks you for your cooperation and support of High School Athletics.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
Ticket information for Friday's Football Game at Eastbrook: General Admission - $6 everyone (preschool free) Tickets will NOT be sold at the gate. Online purchases only at eastbrookathletics.com (under more tab, Panther HQ, Eastbrook Athletic Tickets). Blackford fans will enter through the West gate near the Corporation Office.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
The Girls Soccer game with Mississinewa for tomorrow 10-1-2020 has been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Curtis Little
Sew much to learn! Students in Mrs. Yvette Rouch's anatomy class at BJSHS have been learning suturing techniques during their weekly Club Medic lesson. Keep up the good work, Bruins! #FutureMedProfessionals
over 4 years ago, Beth Jones
Teen girl concentrates on suture technique
Teen girl concentrates on suture technique
Teen girl focuses on suturing technique
Sew much to learn! Mrs. Yvette Rouch's anatomy class at BJSHS have been learning suturing techniques during their weekly Club Medic lesson. Keep up the good work, Bruins! #FutureMedProfessionals
over 4 years ago, Beth Jones
Red-headed teen practicing suturing
Teen girl concentrates on suture technique
Teen girl practices her suturing technique